Let's hear it for our February 2024 Athlete of the Month....Dre!
We are super stoked to announce that Dre is this months athlete of the month! She started CrossFit with us not too long ago with a desire to get fitter and healthier and has been a light to other members ever since. Always keeping a positive attitude when others would get down, Dre is one who inspires us all to work hard and have fun.
One member had this to say about Dre: "Dre definitely deserves athlete of the month because not only is she a hard working athlete, she's a great person and a determined spirit with unwavering perseverance. When she's not working out she's helping teach kids with special needs, and she's truly an exceptional person for that".
Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit?
A: I joined in October 2023
Q: Why do you like most about CF 2024?
A: the community
Q: Why did you originally hop on the CrossFit Express?
A: I always wanted to try it and never did
Q: What motivates you to keep going and working hard?
A: to be at least 1% better every day.
Q: What’s your favorite movements in CrossFit?
A: does running count? Cleans. Mine look different every time, work in progress, but here for the challenge
Q: What are your long term goals (in fitness or life)?
A: to never stop moving or smiling
Q: What’s your biggest accomplishment since joining 2024?
A: PR for a half marathon and doing 100 of anything, specifically burpees
Q: Who is someone that inspires you at the box and why?
A: everyone, all cross fitters have their own story and journey, unique in their own way, show up every week supporting each other- regardless of how long they’ve known you or been going to the box.
Q: What’s one hidden talent you have or interesting fact about you?
A: My favorite holiday is shark week
Q: Favorite song?
A: Under Pressure by Queen
Q: Favorite movie?
A: Probably Moana 2, TBD it hasn’t come out yet
Q: Favorite coffee/lunch/dinner spot in ATX?
A: The Well and any place that feels tropical
Q: What’s one item on your bucket list?
A: visiting every national park/ completing national park marathons
Q: Favorite Cheat Meal?
A: Truffle fries, cheese burger, pizza, all desserts
Q: What are you looking forward to the most in 2024 (this year)?
A: being present in day to day, traveling to see family and building my strength
Q: What’s something you’d say to someone considering joining CrossFit for the first time?
A: You CAN do it. Postponing doesn’t serve you and you can’t regret trying something new.